Sweet Potato Pie Milk: Easy & Delicious Recipe

Introduction to Sweet Potato Pie with Condensed Milk

Sweet potato pie is a beloved dessert in many households, especially popular in Southern cuisine. Its roots can be traced back to both African and Native American culinary traditions, making it a dish rich in history and flavor. Sweet potatoes, the star ingredient, are not only delicious but packed with nutrients, offering a healthy twist to dessert time

Choosing the Right Ingredients for Your Sweet Potato Pie with Condensed Milk

Choosing the right sweet potato pie recipe with condensed milk involves considering several factors to ensure that you end up with a delicious dessert that meets your preferences for taste, texture, and sweetness. Sweet potato pie is a classic Southern dessert, known for its smooth, creamy texture and rich flavor. The addition of condensed milk adds an extra layer of sweetness and creaminess, making it a popular choice for many. Here are some tips and considerations for choosing and making the right sweet potato pie with condensed milk:

1. Quality of Ingredients: Sweet Potatoes and Condensed Milk

  • Sweet Potatoes: Look for medium-sized sweet potatoes that feel heavy for their size, with tight, smooth skin and no soft spots. The quality of the sweet potatoes directly impacts the flavor of the pie.
  • Condensed Milk: Use full-fat condensed milk for the best flavor and texture. It contributes significantly to the pie’s creaminess and sweetness.

2. Pie Crust: Homemade vs. Store-Bought

  • Decide whether you prefer a homemade or store-bought pie crust. A homemade pie crust may offer a more authentic flavor and texture, but a good-quality store-bought crust can save time and still deliver delicious results.
  • Consider a graham cracker crust for an easy and tasty alternative to traditional pie crusts.

3. Flavoring and Spices: Enhancing Your Sweet Potato Pie

  • Classic spices for sweet potato pie include cinnamon, nutmeg, and ginger. Adjust the quantities according to your taste preferences. Some recipes also include a pinch of cloves or allspice.
  • Vanilla extract enhances the overall flavor of the pie. Use pure vanilla extract for the best taste.

4. Texture and Consistency

  • The texture of the filling should be smooth and creamy. Achieve this by blending the sweet potato mixture thoroughly, ensuring that there are no lumps.
  • The ratio of condensed milk to sweet potatoes can affect the pie’s texture and sweetness. Follow the recipe’s guidelines closely, but feel free to adjust slightly based on your preference for a denser or lighter filling.

5. Sweetness Level

  • Condensed milk is inherently sweet, so you may not need to add much additional sugar to the pie filling. Taste the mixture and adjust the sweetness as needed.
  • Keep in mind that the sweetness of the pie can also be balanced with the spices and the choice of topping, such as whipped cream or marshmallows.

6. Baking and Cooling

  • Bake the pie according to the recipe’s instructions until the filling is set, and the crust is golden brown. Oven temperatures and baking times can vary, so keep an eye on the pie as it bakes.
  • Allow the pie to cool completely before slicing. This helps the filling to set properly and makes it easier to cut clean slices.

7. Serving Suggestions

  • Sweet potato pie can be served at room temperature or chilled, depending on personal preference.
  • Garnish with whipped cream, a sprinkle of cinnamon, or a scoop of vanilla ice cream for an extra special touch.

When choosing a recipe, look for one that has positive reviews and comes from a reliable source. Consider any dietary restrictions or preferences you or your guests may have, such as the need for a gluten-free crust or adjustments to the level of sweetness. With these considerations in mind, you’re well on your way to making a delightful sweet potato pie with condensed milk that everyone will enjoy.

The Recipe: Sweet Potato Pie with Condensed Milk


  • 1 1/4 pounds sweet potatoes (about 2 large sweet potatoes)
  • 1 (9-inch) unbaked pie crust, homemade or store-bought
  • 1 (14-ounce) can sweetened condensed milk
  • 2 large eggs
  • 1/4 cup unsalted butter, melted
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
  • 1/2 teaspoon ground nutmeg
  • 1/4 teaspoon ground ginger
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt


  • Vegetable peeler
  • Large pot
  • Potato masher or immersion blender
  • Mixing bowls
  • Whisk or electric mixer
  • Pie dish
  • Oven


Preparing the Sweet Potatoes:

  1. Peel and Boil: Start by peeling the sweet potatoes using a vegetable peeler. Cut them into medium-sized chunks and place them in a large pot filled with water. Bring to a boil and cook until the sweet potatoes are tender, about 20-30 minutes.
  2. Mash: Drain the sweet potatoes and return them to the pot or transfer them to a mixing bowl. Use a potato masher or an immersion blender to mash the sweet potatoes until smooth.

Making the Pie Filling:

  1. Preheat Oven: Preheat your oven to 350°F (175°C). This ensures the pie cooks evenly.
  2. Mix Wet Ingredients: In a large mixing bowl, combine the mashed sweet potatoes, sweetened condensed milk, melted butter, eggs, and vanilla extract. Use a whisk or an electric mixer to blend until the mixture is smooth.
  3. Add Spices: Incorporate the cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger, and salt into the sweet potato mixture. Mix well to distribute the spices evenly.

Assembling and Baking the Pie:

  1. Prepare Pie Crust: Place your unbaked pie crust into a 9-inch pie dish. You can crimp the edges for a decorative touch.
  2. Fill Pie Crust: Pour the sweet potato filling into the pie crust, smoothing the top with a spatula.
  3. Bake: Place the pie in the preheated oven and bake for 55-60 minutes, or until the filling is set and the crust is golden brown. To prevent over-browning, you can cover the edges of the pie crust with foil.
  4. Cool: Remove the pie from the oven and allow it to cool on a rack for at least 2 hours. This helps the filling set properly.


Serve the sweet potato pie at room temperature or chilled, based on your preference. It pairs wonderfully with a dollop of whipped cream or a sprinkle of cinnamon on top.

Tips for Perfection:

  • Smooth Filling: For an extra smooth filling, pass the mashed sweet potatoes through a sieve before mixing with the other ingredients.
  • Spice to Taste: Adjust the spices according to your taste. Some prefer a stronger cinnamon or nutmeg flavor.
  • Check Doneness: To check if the pie is done, insert a knife near the center. If it comes out clean, the pie is ready.
  • Chill Before Serving: For a firmer texture, chill the pie in the refrigerator for a few hours before serving.

Enjoy the process of making this sweet potato pie with condensed milk, and delight in the rich, creamy flavor that it brings to your table.

Variations and Customizations Sweet Potato Pie with Condensed Milk

Sweet potato pie with condensed milk is a versatile dessert that can be customized in many ways to suit different tastes and occasions. Here are some variations and customizations you can try to make this classic dessert uniquely yours:

1. Crust Variations:

  • Graham Cracker Crust: For a no-bake option, use a graham cracker crust instead of a traditional pie crust. This adds a sweet, crunchy texture that pairs well with the creamy filling.
  • Gluten-Free Crust: Make a gluten-free crust using almond flour or a gluten-free flour blend to accommodate dietary restrictions.
  • Spiced Crust: Add spices such as cinnamon or nutmeg to your pie crust dough to enhance the flavor and complement the sweet potato filling.

2. Topping Ideas:

  • Marshmallow Topping: For a classic Southern touch, top the pie with marshmallows during the last few minutes of baking until golden and toasted.
  • Pecan Streusel: Before baking, sprinkle a mixture of chopped pecans, flour, butter, and brown sugar over the pie for a crunchy, nutty topping.
  • Meringue Topping: For a lighter, elegant finish, top the pie with a fluffy meringue and broil briefly until the peaks are golden brown.

3. Flavor Enhancements:

  • Bourbon or Rum: Add a tablespoon of bourbon or dark rum to the filling for a deeper flavor complexity.
  • Citrus Zest: Mix in the zest of an orange or lemon to the sweet potato filling for a subtle citrusy note.
  • Chocolate Chips: Stir in a handful of mini chocolate chips into the filling before baking for a chocolatey twist.

4. Dairy-Free and Vegan Options:

  • Coconut Condensed Milk: Use coconut condensed milk instead of regular condensed milk for a dairy-free version. This also adds a hint of coconut flavor.
  • Egg Substitute: Replace the eggs with a flaxseed meal mixture or a commercial egg replacer to make the pie vegan.

5. Healthy Swaps:

  • Lower Sugar Option: Reduce the overall sweetness by using unsweetened condensed milk and adding a sweetener of your choice, such as maple syrup or honey, to control the sweetness level.
  • Sweet Potato Varieties: Experiment with different types of sweet potatoes, such as white sweet potatoes or purple sweet potatoes, for a variation in sweetness and color.

6. Presentation and Serving:

  • Individual Pies: Make individual sweet potato pies in muffin tins for personal servings, perfect for parties or special occasions.
  • Decorative Toppings: Use pie dough cut-outs, such as leaves or autumn shapes, to decorate the pie before baking for a festive touch.

By experimenting with these variations and customizations, you can create a sweet potato pie with condensed milk that reflects your personal tastes and impresses your guests with creative twists on a classic dessert.

Serving and Storage Tips for Your Sweet Potato Pie with Condensed Milk

To ensure your sweet potato pie with condensed milk remains delicious from the moment it’s baked until it’s served, following proper serving and storage tips is key. These guidelines will help maintain the pie’s quality and flavor, whether you’re enjoying it immediately or saving it for later.

Serving Tips:

  1. Temperature: Sweet potato pie can be served at room temperature or chilled, depending on personal preference. Serving it slightly warm can enhance its flavors, but make sure it has set properly before warming.
  2. Whipped Cream: A dollop of whipped cream on top of each slice not only adds a visually appealing touch but also complements the rich sweetness of the pie.
  3. Garnishes: Consider garnishing with a sprinkle of cinnamon or nutmeg, or even a few pecan halves, to enhance the presentation and add a layer of flavor.
  4. Advance Prep: If you’re planning to serve the pie for a special occasion, you can prepare it a day ahead. This not only saves time but also allows the flavors to meld together more fully in the refrigerator.

Storage Tips:

  1. Cooling Down: Allow the pie to cool completely at room temperature after baking. This helps prevent condensation from forming when you cover it for refrigeration, which could make the crust soggy.
  2. Refrigeration: Once cooled, wrap the pie tightly with plastic wrap or aluminum foil, or place it in an airtight container. Sweet potato pie with condensed milk should be stored in the refrigerator due to its dairy content and to maintain freshness. It can be kept for up to 4-5 days.
  3. Freezing: If you wish to store the pie for a longer period, sweet potato pie freezes well. Wrap it securely in several layers of plastic wrap and then a layer of aluminum foil. Properly wrapped, it can be frozen for up to two months. Thaw in the refrigerator overnight before serving.
  4. Serving After Storage: If the pie has been refrigerated or frozen, you might want to gently warm it before serving to enhance its flavors. A few minutes in a warm oven (around 300°F or 150°C) should do the trick. Be careful not to overheat, as you want to maintain its moist, creamy texture.

By following these serving and storage tips, your sweet potato pie with condensed milk will be a hit at any gathering, maintaining its delightful taste and texture from the first slice to the last.

Common Mistakes to Avoid Sweet Potato Pie with Condensed Milk

When making sweet potato pie, especially with the rich addition of condensed milk, there are several common pitfalls to avoid. Steering clear of these mistakes can help ensure your pie turns out deliciously smooth, flavorful, and with the perfect texture:

1. Not Cooking Sweet Potatoes Properly:

  • Mistake: Undercooking the sweet potatoes can lead to a chunky, uneven texture in your pie filling.
  • Solution: Make sure to boil or bake the sweet potatoes until they are very tender. They should easily mash with little to no resistance.

2. Skipping the Strain Step:

  • Mistake: Failing to strain the sweet potato mixture can result in a filling with fibrous bits or lumps.
  • Solution: For an ultra-smooth texture, pass the mashed sweet potatoes through a sieve or food mill. This extra step makes a big difference in the final texture of your pie.

3. Overmixing the Filling:

  • Mistake: Overmixing the filling once the eggs are added can incorporate too much air, leading to a filling that puffs up and cracks during baking.
  • Solution: Gently mix the filling just until the ingredients are well combined. If using an electric mixer, use a low speed.

4. Not Pre-baking the Crust:

  • Mistake: Placing the filling into an unbaked pie crust can result in a soggy bottom.
  • Solution: Pre-bake (blind bake) the crust for about 10 minutes before adding the filling. This helps to seal the crust and keep it crisp.

5. Incorrect Sweetener Ratio:

  • Mistake: Adding too much sugar or sweetened condensed milk can overpower the natural sweetness and flavor of the sweet potatoes.
  • Solution: Be mindful of the amount of sweetened condensed milk and any additional sugar. Taste the filling before adding it to the crust, adjusting the sweetness if necessary.

6. Overbaking the Pie:

  • Mistake: Overbaking can dry out the filling and cause the crust to become too hard.
  • Solution: Bake the pie until the edges are set but the center slightly jiggles. It will continue to set as it cools.

7. Slicing the Pie Too Soon:

  • Mistake: Cutting into the pie before it has fully cooled can cause the filling to be runny.
  • Solution: Allow the pie to cool completely at room temperature, then chill in the refrigerator for a few hours to set the filling perfectly before slicing.

8. Ignoring Spice Balance:

  • Mistake: Using too little or too much of spices like cinnamon, nutmeg, and ginger can either lead to a bland pie or overpower the sweet potato flavor.
  • Solution: Measure spices carefully and adjust according to taste. Start with less; you can always add more if needed.

9. Forgetting the Egg Wash:

  • Mistake: Not applying an egg wash to the edges of the crust can result in a pale and unappetizing appearance.
  • Solution: Brush the edges of the crust with a beaten egg or milk before baking to achieve a golden, glossy finish.

By being mindful of these common mistakes and following the suggested solutions, you can ensure your sweet potato pie is a delightful treat that showcases the creamy sweetness of the filling, complemented by a perfectly baked crust.

 FAQs: about Sweet Potato Pie with Condensed Milk

Can I use canned sweet potatoes instead of fresh ones?

Yes, you can use canned sweet potatoes as a convenient alternative to fresh ones. Just be sure to drain them well and rinse off any syrup before mashing. Keep in mind that the flavor and texture might slightly differ from using fresh sweet potatoes.

How do I know when the sweet potato pie is done baking?

The pie is done when the edges are set, but the center still has a slight jiggle to it. Inserting a knife near the center should come out mostly clean. Be careful not to overbake, as the filling will continue to set as it cools.

Can I make the pie crust from scratch?

Absolutely! Making your pie crust from scratch can add a homemade touch to your sweet potato pie. Basic ingredients include flour, butter, salt, and water. Remember to keep everything cold and handle the dough as little as possible for the best texture.

Is it necessary to pre-bake the pie crust?

For sweet potato pie, pre-baking (blind baking) the crust is not always necessary, especially if you’re using a custard-like filling that requires baking. However, pre-baking can help prevent a soggy bottom and ensure a crispier crust.

How can I prevent cracks in my sweet potato pie?

To prevent cracks, avoid overmixing the filling, which can incorporate too much air. Also, don’t overbake the pie. Remove it from the oven when the center is slightly jiggly. Letting the pie cool gradually in a turned-off oven with the door slightly ajar can also help.

Can sweet potato pie be made in advance?

Yes, sweet potato pie is a great make-ahead dessert. You can bake it 1-2 days in advance and store it in the refrigerator until ready to serve. This actually allows the flavors to meld together beautifully.

How long can sweet potato pie be stored?

When stored properly in the refrigerator, sweet potato pie can last for 3-5 days. Make sure it’s tightly covered with plastic wrap or aluminum foil. You can also freeze the pie for up to two months, tightly wrapped.

Can I freeze sweet potato pie?

Yes, sweet potato pie freezes well. Wrap it tightly in plastic wrap and then aluminum foil or place it in a freezer-safe bag. Thaw overnight in the refrigerator before serving.

What toppings go well with sweet potato pie?

Whipped cream, a sprinkle of cinnamon or nutmeg, toasted pecans, or a scoop of vanilla ice cream are all delicious toppings that complement the flavors of sweet potato pie.

Can I use something other than condensed milk?

While condensed milk adds a rich creaminess and sweetness to the pie, you can substitute it with an equal amount of heavy cream and sugar. Adjust the sugar to taste, as condensed milk is sweeter than heavy cream.

Conclusion: The Delight of Sweet Potato Pie with Condensed Milk

The joy of sweet potato pie extends far beyond the delightful flavors and creamy texture that this classic dessert brings to the table. It’s a symbol of warmth, tradition, and the simple pleasure of sharing something homemade with those you care about. From the careful preparation of the sweet potatoes to the final sprinkle of spices, each step in making a sweet potato pie is an act of love and creativity.

Baking a sweet potato pie, especially when using condensed milk for that extra creaminess and sweetness, is a rewarding experience. The process is both a culinary adventure and a journey back to the roots of comfort food. Whether it’s the aroma of spices filling the kitchen, the golden hue of the pie crust, or the first delicious bite, sweet potato pie evokes feelings of home and nostalgia.

Moreover, sweet potato pie is a versatile dessert that invites experimentation. From the choice of spices to the type of crust and toppings, it offers an opportunity to put your unique twist on a traditional recipe. It can be a canvas for your culinary expression, whether you’re adhering to family traditions or creating new ones.

The act of sharing sweet potato pie with family and friends is as much a part of its joy as the baking process itself. It’s a way to connect, to celebrate, and to enjoy the simple pleasures of life together. Each slice is a reminder of the bonds that food can create and strengthen.

In a world that moves quickly and often digitally, the timeless tradition of baking and sharing a pie is a tangible expression of care and community. So, whether you’re a seasoned baker or trying your hand at sweet potato pie for the first time, embrace the process. Enjoy the creativity, the flavors, and the joy of sharing your creation.

We encourage you to try making sweet potato pie with condensed milk yourself. It’s more than just a dessert; it’s an experience, a tradition, and a joy to be shared. Let the baking begin, and let the warmth, sweetness, and satisfaction of sweet potato pie bring a smile to your face and those around you.

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